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Once upon a time, some frogs were still playing in a field. A bull is eating near the home. Every time the bull moved from place to place, his big hooves shook the earth where the frogs were playing. The tips of the lawn are pulled out by the cow. The frogs are watching the ox swallow the daisies. 

What an evil critter." I've noway seen such a big and astonishingly beautiful critter," said a frog in amazement. At that moment, the bull started moving near to the frogs. All the frogs jumped and ran down. One of them could not run down presto enough and was tromped by the bull's giant bottom. 

Do it do it Our precursor has been killed. The frogs cried that we should accelerate back home and tell our mama that the leg of such a huge and intimidating critter had brought death. 

When they got home and set up their mama , they sorely told her what had happed. They told me that the biggest beast in the world killed our precursor with a single bottom.

I am sure I am not bigger than my mama , is not my mama boasting? Oh • • • The frogs say that he's much bigger than his mama . The proud mama frog inflated herself until she looked like a big green ball, and also asked if she was still bigger than her mama . 

Big, important, importantbigger.However, she will explode, If mama inflates herself and explodes. The little frogs said it could not be as big as the critter we saw this morning.

So the mama frog was veritably angry. I've to show my children what I can do. I am going to make my body bigger than the beast they say until it swells up indeed more. The big frog allowed that I would show them so that they would greatly surprise me. 

So the big frog made himself more, I inflated it more and eventually it burst. oh The little frogs began to cry, saying," Oh, why is our mama trying to make her as big as that big critter?"