King Than Yeon was so tortured by the minstrel that he couldn't sleep in the palace. I started to feel unsettled by rolling left and right on the golden body. All night with the sound of the center Indeed though I'm changing, I still have not heard a single bit about the news of the beautiful goddess.
According to the public custom, the body of the Buddha has been moved to the cemetery of his cousins. The king has formerly arrived at his place in the palace. Some of the ministers also guarded the body of the Buddha. Before the fire, the body of the Buddha was on the golden pall. All the ministers were silent while watching.
Suddenly, I heard a cry from the body of the Buddha. It was like the cry of a invigorated baby. The ministers ran to the burial barrow. A small child is at the bases of the Buddha. Weeping and crying. The ministers incontinently picked up the queen.
They transferred the youthful men to inform the king. He was agonized to lose the Buddha, but he was veritably happy because he'd a son. He was born in a cemetery, so he should not be brought into the palace. So he transferred the babysitters to take care of the queen, whom he named because she was so beautiful.
In the cemetery, the queen was placed in a pillar precisely erected near the tabernacle. When the times go by, you'll come a veritably beautifulprincess.However, she'll noway forget that she's your son, If the queen calls herself.
On the other side of the ocean, there lived King Dagon, who had a son named Minanda. The king was always in great torture because the prophesier prognosticated that the Napoleon would die at the hands of a dragon. Indra felt sorry for the Napoleon and gave him a wand that could summon brutes from the swell, gutters, timbers, and mountains.
One day, the Napoleon went up to the roof of the palace and looked down at the ocean. On the other side of the vast body of water is a large timber. I allowed
there was someone living in the timber, so I transferred the pantomimist to probe.
The pantomimist flew across the water and reached the timber. That place is a veritably sweet cemetery. When Khyon Thu Choet told the queen each about her schoolteacher Minanda, the queen fell in love with the Napoleon.
One time, the pantomimist flew to the Napoleon and told him how beautiful she was, so that the Napoleon fell in love with her. In this way, the two relatives, who hadn't seen each other ahead, came suckers.